New technology platforms to identify new protein-protein interactions at the cell membrane


Dualsystems the experts for protein-protein interactions at the cell membrane

Dualsystems Biotech AG is specialises in elucidating protein-protein interactions in the living cells especially at the cell membrane. Dualsystems is a privately held service provider company based in Schlieren (Zurich), Switzerland. Our clients range from big pharma, biotech to academia. We focus on our conceptually new technology for target deconvolution on the Ligand-Receptor Capture LRC-TriCEPS platform. The LRC-TriCEPS technology is able to identify the unknown targets, off-targets, receptors of your orphan ligand on the living cells and is an excellent tool to investigate the binding partners of your drug candidates.

Following orphan ligands can be used: small molecules, peptides, proteins, antibodies, viruses.

LRC-TriCEPS – Ligand-receptor capture Service

Identification of the targets and off-targets at the cell surfaces of living cells


Ligand-receptor capture technology LRC-TriCEPS. A novel LC-MS/MS based approach to identify the cell surface receptors and off-targets for a ligand of interest after protein-protein interaction on the living cell. The LRC-TriCEPS technology was invented by Dr. Andreas Frei and Prof. Bernd Wollscheid from the ETH Zurich who published the technology in Nature Biotechnology (Frei et al.(2012) Nature Biotechnology 30:997-1001).

Now a new Version of TriCEPS is available.

For more details click here Details

Orphan ligands:

  • Extracellular proteins
  • Peptide ligands
  • Antibodies
  • Viruses
  • Engineered affinity binders

LRC-TriCEPS Services (target deconvolution on the living cells)

To see how we can support you in your project please contact us with the form below or just give us a call .

Flow TriCEPS Services/Kit

Cell selection and optimisation of binding conditions for target identification


Identification of the targets using TriCEPS V2.0 in or at the cell membrane of your ligand (peptide, protein, Antibody, ADC or other primary amine containing molecules) requires that the cells used are expressing the unknown targets. TriCEPS V2.0 is the ideal tool to screen cell lines or primary cells to identify the best cells to use later in the LRC-TriCEPS target identification experiments. Dualsystems offers these pretests for cell selection as service and kit. Needed for the experiment is the ligand of interest and the cell lines/ primary cells that are expected to express the unknown target. There is no need for a ligand specific antibody.

Flow (Pretest) TriCEPS Service and Kit is available.

For more information click here Details

Used for:

  • Screening of different cells
  • Cell selection
  • Positive control selection
  • Negative control selection
  • Functional Assays with TriCEPS coupled ligand
  • Flow Cytometric (FACS) reagent to analyse protein/peptide binding to cells

More information about the LRC-TriCEPS and LRC-HATRIC platforms you find here

Please contact us for more information

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